Package Design

Process Documentation
Projects Overview
Four different projects were completed over the course of three months. The soup cans, sauce bottles, and art supplies were completely original designs for both the packaging and the logos based on the given client and their customers; the Barilla spaghetti project was a redesign to improve its packaging.
Scope: September 2021-November 2021
Project Type: Company logos and package design for package design course
Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
Hannah's Heart Healthy Soups
Hannah is a hardworking farmer who prides herself on growing the healthiest and most high-quality crops each season. She developed a healthy and delicious line of canned soups with ingredients sourced directly from her farm. A unique blend of spices and amazing quality control blended together into one heart healthy package.

Initial logo concepts were created to highlight the handcrafted and locally-sourced aspects of the brand. Organic forms such as the rows of fields within Hannah's farm were explored in various designs as well as the overhead view of her fields (like one would see from a plane). This overhead view was further developed into the shape of a heart to represent Hannah's commitment to creating heart healthy recipes. The final label design combines an illustrated bowl of soup with rough textures and vivid colors to emulate Hannah's personality.
Mizuki Sauce Bottles
Ukiuki Sushi Bar has provided delicious and affordably-priced sushi for many years nationwide. With their newly created line of Mizuki Sauce Bottles, they have expanded their amazing culinary experiences provided from their restaurants straight to their customers' homes.

The logo designs for both Ukiuki and Mizuki are tied together in concept. Ukiuki, meaning lighthearted, excited, and floating was originally named for its purpose to relieve the fatigue that builds up after a long workday through good food. Its logo is an abstract design on taking a boat out on the water for moon-gazing. Mizuki, meaning elegant moon, was created to emulate the imagery you would find at Ukiuki, of the bright overhead lights reflecting off the dark soy sauce like the moon and stars. With this concept as well as taking their target audience of young working adults into account, the Mizuki logo and labels were created with a fun, modern, yet unique space theme of shooting stars. A second set of labels was also developed with the imagery resembling long-exposure star photography.
Hungry Artists Art Supplies
The concept of this project was a challenge on designing for a client's strange idea. In this case, the client was creating a line of safely edible art supplies for children who couldn't help but eat them. Both the logo and label designs were created to be fun and vibrant in color to appeal to both children and their parents, with more funky, free-flowing typography and splatter imagery.
Barilla Spaghetti Redesign
The goal of this project was to improve the packaging of a product through a redesign, while also still using the original imagery and text.

I redesigned the packaging of Barilla spaghetti to solve an age-old problem. When you pour out spaghetti it can be hard to measure out accurate servings. So I measured and added a set of circles to one of the sides of the packaging that allows you to measure however many servings you need (as pictured below). In addition to that, at the top of the packaging is a triangle shaped opening also measured to pour out exactly one serving of spaghetti, as well as a flap to remove the gap caused by the triangle opening when closed. These simple improvements to this packaging makes for less of a headache when cooking your favorite spaghetti dishes.
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